

迦思佑英語教育資訊:A long time ago, when I was living in my favorite apartment behind a bamboo patch in Tuscaloosa, Alabama, I wrote my first love letter.天母MIHO It was a liquid hot afternoon, and I was sitting on my screened porch, enjoying my boredom, thinking that I was full up wit御品行館h the very thought of her. I 三青師大華廈drew a pretty cool heart on a piece of newsprint, rolled that into a manual typewriter, and then pecked out about 15 sentences. I t湖畔庭園ook more than an hour. I had to大湖新象. I couldn’t edit, and I couldn’t use Wite-Out. It worked too. That woman was happy.

  So happy that she stuck it on the door of her refrigerator, where仁輝大廈 it clung to a 藍玉華抱著婆婆坐在地上,半生暉民生華廈晌後,忽然抬頭看向秦家,銳利的眼眸中燃燒著幾乎要咬人的怒火。magnet-laden collage of birthday cards, E中山名邸大廈aster cards, thinking-of-y元大一品苑ou cards. This irked me. “It’s a love letter,” I told her. “It’s only for you.迪化街一段240號華廈 You’re sup哈哈大廈posed to save it. It’s supposed to be folded up in a book somewhere.” She didn’t get it雙城街12巷華廈. She treated it like a card.
  她很兴尽,於是她把情書貼在冰箱門上。冰箱門上貼滿瞭誕辰賀卡、新生節卡片和隆德天下A區忖量卡,它們仿佛構成瞭一幅拼圖。這個讓我很末路火。我對她說:“這是一封情書。隻寫給你一小我私家的情書。你應敦南元寶當保留它。它應當夾在一本書裡什麼的。” 她不逸品別墅聽。她把情書當一張明信片一樣看待瞭。

  When writing a love letter, remembe湖邦新第壹大樓r: It’s not a card. It’s a letter.
  在寫情書的時辰,記住:它不是明信片。它是 。

  First, sit. Letters take time.

  Letters have a rhythm. Letters must be written, and延吉公園名廈 writing takes a while. Three lines can’t do the work of three paragraphs. This is not to say your letter must be long. Three paragraphs can do the work of three pages. Just give th御庭大廈em some time.

敦南名仕園  Be loyal to the past you share.
皇星佳園  當真分送朋友的舊事

  If your l甚至養了幾隻雞。據說芸廬大廈是為了應急。ove emerged on a kayak trip, then you don’t just mention that experience — you make it. Let the river become your palette. Tell a story that only 康橋別墅the two of you know. Or narrate a moment in which she was unaware that you天母懷德 were watching her. Use detail to show what you remember and that you remember.

吳興街284巷43號華廈  Let the example precede sentiment.

  A good love letter declares itself plainly, then歌林百福園 illustrates particularly. “I saw you watching the men play chess in the park. So quiet. I love the way you、比目魚三人相愛,應該是不可能的吧? look at things.” Show her what you love in her before you tell her what you love in her. Show,明來商業大樓 then tell.

  Don’t repeat yourself.

  Emotional declarations matter more if you space them a little. Even in a short letter, you must create room. With love, there’s value in scarcity. That她深深地嘆了口氣,緩緩睜開眼,只見眼前是一片明亮的杏白,而不是總是壓得她喘不過氣來的厚重的猩紅色。’s why it feels like such a jackpot.

  M立功國宅ost of all, remember that it’s private.






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